0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s106223 (145 points)


I have a questionnaire in which each item is assessed two times: agreement and valence rating.

I can easily solve the issue by using the Selection sequence question type. However, there are 38 items and two ratings for each one, and that's a lot of clicking from my participants, and they cannot change their mind afterwards.

I would prefer the Scales question type:

question1 - scale 1 - scale 2
question 2- scale 1 - scale 2 etc.

Is it possible to change the Scale question type so that the participant can select one scale option AND one residual option at the same time? (that is the look I'm looking for)?

If anybody has another idea on how to achieve this, I would be very happy to hear it.


1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (321k points)
selected ago by s106223
Best answer

If I understand your question correctly, you're looking for this manual:
Combined Questions

ago by s106223 (145 points)
That is exactly what I was looking for, but missed the search keywords.
Thank you!

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