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in SoSci Survey (English) by s293159 (160 points)


please is it possible to have the selection option tabs on a different location? like I have questions within the questionnaire which include images but then participants tend to have limited time to answer the questions. Whlie they scrow, the time is up and the questions disappear. I will like to know if I could place the selection options to right or better said side by side to the image.

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (327k points)

Sure, you can. You'll just need a bit of HTML, liek described in the manual Placing Elements Side by Side.

However, keep in mind that some respondents may answer the questionnaire on a smartphone, and the result may not work properly, there.

by s293159 (160 points)
I'll recommend the respondents to to take the survey on computers or tablets but not tablets...thanks but I think I didnot explain my problem properly.


Above is a link for a preview and pretest please and i tried with placing elements side by side but actually I'll like to have the answer options (yes or no) to the right. Is it possible?

like rather than having these options being displayed under the image, is it possible to have them other where on the page? like at the left of the image or so?
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
> but actually I'll like to have the answer options (yes or no) to the right

When I open the pretest URL, I see one yes/no question on the right (top aligned with the image, hard to see) and one below the question. Seems you're on the right way.

>  is it possible to have them other where on the page?

By using the techniques explained in the side-by-side chapter, you can place them anywhere relative to the question. If you speak German, you may also switch to the German manual which in addition shows an option (flexbox) thats compatible with smartphones.

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