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in Datenauswertung by s283958 (110 points)

Could you please help me to retrieve the responses to these questions? The questions appear in the filled in questionaire but the answers cannot be found in the data.

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (325k points)

Please go through this checklist to narrow the issue down:
Problem Solutions for Data Retrieval

by s283958 (110 points)
Hello, I have gone through the page you sent and here are some of the issues I encountered. AWhen I tried to debug, it shows me that the variables with answers are not included in this project yet the questions appear in the survey. I can also attach screenshots. Could you please help as we mich be coming closer to the end of the survey period.

Thank you!
by SoSci Survey (325k points)
> the questions appear in the survey

Please start the questionnaire in debug mode from the beginning.

(a) When you arrive at the page with the missing question, then check if the question ID that you see fits the question that youÄre missing. Sometimes users creat a copy of a question and work with that copy.

(b) Then select answers to the question, and click the "next" button and take a look in the debug information to see in which variables the answers were stored.

(c) then check the "variables" tab of the question to see, if you have renamed the variables eventually.

(d) Finally, go to "View Dataset" again, scroll down to the latest record, and search for the variables.

> we mich be coming closer to the end of the survey period.

You did not react to my response for 3 weeks. Please grant me the same patience.
by s283958 (110 points)
Thank you so much for your quick response and my apologies for not getting back to you in time. I had  a backlog and yet at the same time I wanted to thoroughly go through the information you provided before I could get back to you. Nevertherless I apologize.

I have gone through the guidelines again and below I hghlight what I experience.

I did start the questionnaire in debug mode and looking at the IDs, they are the exact questions that I am missing in the data.

When I selected the answers, hopefully I did it right by trying to choose some of the answers provided for the questions and I click next, in the debug information, I receive a warning message that the variable is missing. To be precise it is indicated "There is no variable B016". Also from the debugging this is the message that appears "Variable B016 is unknown to this project (see listing of variables). Therefore no result can be retrieved."

The variable itself doesn't exist in the variable tab and when I go to View Dataset, I still cannot find the variable. Approximately 5 variables are missng but I first wanted to deal with one first before I figure out the next.

Once again thank you very much and I am looking forward to your response in helping to solve this problem.
by SoSci Survey (325k points)
>  I receive a warning message that the variable is missing.

Before looking at this information, look above. There are two parts in the debug info
rmation. The first part is reading/processing the responses from the previous page. You should find your answers there.

The second part is about creating the new page.

> To be precise it is indicated "There is no variable B016".

This is most likely from a value() function call.

> The variable itself doesn't exist in the variable tab and when I go to View Dataset, I still cannot find the variable.

Than we can be quite sure, that there is no such variable in the project :D I assume you have a question B016. What question type is it?
by s283958 (110 points)
>Before looking at this information, look above. There are two parts in the debug info
rmation. The first part is reading/processing the responses from the previous page. You should find your answers there.

Looking at this part, it shows all the responses to the other questions except two questions with ID number B016 and B005 which are the variables with missing data from the previous page.

>This is most likely from a value() function call.

Yes, I got this error message after debugging using the value() function.

> Than we can be quite sure, that there is no such variable in the project :D I assume you have a question B016. What question type is it?

The question type is a selection type question however it includes mayn other questions under it. Because I could't do this directly, I decided to code it as an HTML- Code. Infact checking the quesions that are missing responses, they are texts coded with HTML-Code. Could that be the reason why they could be missing responses?
by SoSci Survey (325k points)
>  I decided to code it as an HTML- Code.

Well, if you code your own HTML code, SoSci Survey does not know that there is an answer that it should read. And it does not know, where to store it. Therefore, this cannot work.

If using own HTML Code, you need to place the inputs via placeholders (https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:inputs-single) or at least tell SoSci Survey that there is data (https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:inputs-custom).

Just using HTML code is like placing text on the pages. It has no effect on the dataset, and no data is recorded.
by s283958 (110 points)
Thank you very much for your help. Unfortunatley now I cannot retrieve these responses but this will probably be helpful for future reference.

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