I am using s SoSci Survey as a screening for an in-person study: I want to evaluate which participants are eligible.
For this purpose, I would like to access the data that so far has been collected by the survey at several time points and evaluate single participant's answers independent of the other participants' answers. Then, ideally, I would like to somehow mark the datasets that have been evaluated already.
I have accessed the collected data via API, which works perfectly fine: I have created a JSON-link via Collected Data → API for Data Retrieval. Then I have written a short python code using the requests.get(myLink) command and accessed and evaluated the data.
I thought about changing a single datapoint in every participant's record that has been evaluated already and then upload the modified dataset via requests.post(myLink, json=data). My python code looks like such:
import requests
path = 'https://www.soscisurvey.de/myLink'
# get data
response = requests.get(path)
data = response.json()
# manipulate data
thisCase = 'C01' # participant that has been evaluated
thisQuestion = 'AB01_01' # random question that I use to store the information
data['data'][thisCase][thisQuestion ] = 'has been evaluated already'
# post update to server
response = requests.post(path, json=data)
# or post update without metadata, both doesn't work for me
response = requests.post(path, json=data['data'])
This handy page shows me that the data I send to the server is exactly what I want to send. Yet, the data stored on the server never changes. Is this an intentional restriction? How could I circumvent that?
Thank you in advantage for every helpful answer :)