> but there isn't a translation in any of the task definitions, even in the working ones.
The other possibility is that the other texts have no content at all. F201 is a formatted text, and if you click the HTML switch (last symbol on the formatting bar) you'll see that it has this content:
<p><br /></p>
This is a blank line, and from a technical point of view, it is not nothing. Therefore, SoSci Survey cannot simply use the main version of the text.
Maybe, you selected another formatting for the other texts, making it harder to accidently have content.
As I wrote above: It's not a good idea to put English texts where SoSci Survey expects German texts. In some instances, SoSci Survey will handle that (for example use the text from the main language, when the field for the translation is completely empty), but its not the intended usage, and can cause problems, as you're experiencing.
Usually, if you have a German and an English version of a text, you should put them into the same element in the different translations of the element. SoSci Survey can then use the "right" translation when creating the questionnaire.
> Regarding the personal data issue, we need the Pro-Server s2survey.net if we want to collect personal data, right? There isn't anything else we can do ...
Since the DSGVO/GDPR, handling personal data has become costly. There is no option to use www.soscisurvey.de to collect personal data, except contact data that is completely separated from the collected data. The manual
https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:general:dsgvo and our website are quite clear on that.
An alterantive to using our Pro-Server is using a local university server:
> ... or need.
Working with personal data needs a lot more. Please contact your local DPO for details. There are documentation oblications, information obligations, and technical and organizational measures.