Hello, I started a survey on scosci survey. I have two questions in it (with that it is all good) and two text blocks, where the participants answer questions like the age oder the sex. In the evaluation the values of the text blocks are not included. Can you help me to get access to the important informations? Thank you.
You can add a text or a question. Its like "add question (Frage hinzufügen)" or "add text" (text hinzufügen). In the text block I asked an open question (like the sex.) But in the results are only the answers von the question block ..
If you include HTML code or text in the questionnaire, it is just that: text content.
Even if the HTML code you created shows form field, these are not stored by the server, unless you told SoSci SUrvey to expect answers: Use Custom Form Elements
Make sure to run a technical test whenever doing a survey.
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