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in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s292779 (110 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

i want to use filtered questions in my survey without programming. however button for filter questions and extended options is not shown in firefox?

closed with the note: Not all question types support filters via the UI. If you miss a filter for some question type, please let us know.
by s109993 (11.4k points)
for which question type? I belief it does not have anything to do with the browser
by s292779 (110 points)
this is correct . I have tested chrome which shows same behaviour. The secret is to apply the correct template. Without you need to program everything youself. I used "wortauswahl" as template and added all items to be selected in WA06 - multiple choice including an extra field for your own text. works great. Thx for listening. 6h learning curve for my 1st project. could be worse :-)

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