0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s080581 (120 points)

MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

Warning: Could not store the cache data in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/InterviewCase.php on line 833

Notice: Invalid SQL query caused error MYSQL.1366 (please contact the server responsible) in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/inc/DbQuery.php on line 435

by SoSci Survey (321k points)
Danke für den Hinweis - die Behebung des Problems ist in Arbeit.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (321k points)
edited by SoSci Survey

Danke für den Hinweis. SoSci Survey konnte spezifische Feinheiten eins japanischen Zeichens nicht korrekt identifizieren und stellte daraufhin die Übertragung der Daten ein, damit weder Antworten verloren gehen noch die Sicherheit des Servers gefährdet wird.

Das Problem ist nun behoben, der Daten-Download sollte wieder ohne Fehlermeldungen funktionieren.

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