0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s265138 (120 points)

When my administration period runs out in three days, I would like the "Exclusioncriteria" questionnaire to be offline (so no more people can sign up) but the Baseline, Follow-up-01, Follow-up-02 and Follow-up-03 to still be sent and accessible for the people who are already enrolled (and in the List of Contacts).
Do I understand it correctly that if the survey administration period ends, Exclusioncriteria will no longer be accessible because it is the default questionnaire, but the others will still be sent as they are accessed via the Email Links and not via the Public QR Code?

Thanks a lot for your help!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (320k points)

When to survey administration period ends, no more access will be possible (except for pretest URLs).

If you like to take a questionnaire offline during the period, please select the access restriction "locked" or follow this manual: Defining the survey administration period -> Adjustion pro Fragebogen (okay, we'll have to update the English translation of that chapter)

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