0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s285418 (110 points)

Mon questionnaire comprends plusieurs rubriques. Je souhaite que les rubriques soient randomisées entre elles et que certaines questions soient randomisées à l'intérieur des rubriques. Mon questionnaire s'adresse à un seul groupe.
Comment faire ?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (320k points)

Most likely you do not want all content to be rotated - at least not the welcome text and maybe some demographic questions at the end.

It depends a lot on how your section look like. But, here's a good manual to start with:Rotated Block Sequence (Variant 1) (you may need to read the whole page to get the context)

This manual is about pages, but you as well use that for questions (and blocks of questions), and then use loopPage() to present the questions, once you have defined the desired rotation.

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