0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s024483 (250 points)


Is it possible to create a log file that documents whether data have been viewed or downloaded during the data collection phase? When data collection is underway but nobody has actually accessed the data yet, it should in theory still possible to preregister hypotheses about the dataset (because they would not be informed by the results/ p-hacking). Is there a way to produce a log to evidence the claim that nobody looked at the data before the preregistration was completed?


1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

You find such a log in the Project Settings in the logfile tab.

by s024483 (250 points)
Thanks! Is there a way to print the event log as a pdf? If I just print the page, part of the event log will be missing. And if I copy it to excel, it would look like I tried to manipulate it.
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
One could as well manipulate a PDF. The only way to prove that validity would be to digitally sign the Excel file or PDF - but that would involve a lot of costs, and guess what, most of our customers are not willing to pay for that ;)

Get someone to sit next to you while doing the download, and to sign that this is the original file, and there were no other downloads.
by s024483 (250 points)
OK, that seems simple enough. It's a bit unorthodox, but it could do the trick. Thanks!

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