0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s079578 (185 points)

I want to add two text fields to one option here in two cases as shown in the picture.

Is this possible and how?

Best regards

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (326k points)
selected by s079578
Best answer

You may like to consider a combined question (and disable some options in the selection), or you may follow the manuel about Forms with Different Input Formats.

If your question depends a lot on the table layout, please also take a look at Placing Elements Side by Side.

by s079578 (185 points)
The combined question part works so far, but I cannot add the second text field to option C and option D as shown in the picture
by SoSci Survey (326k points)
Make sure, you have 6 options/items in both questions. Then hide the options 4 and 6 in the selection by writing a tilde (~) in front of the text. The result would be like

01 OptionA
02 OptionB
03 OptionC
04 ~Dummy
05 OptionD
06 ~Dummy

Do the same for the text inputs, but hide the second item, there.

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