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in SoSci Survey (English) by s126407 (215 points)


I'm having a problem with a questionnaire and this new feature that is currently being tested (PHP for Processing Responses). Namely, because on each page there is this unused PHP box (see picture) which i can't remove, sosci won't let participants go on to the next page of the questionnaire, and displays an error saying "Don't use the back button in your browser..." (also attached image) which usually happens when you by mistake put a PHP code on an empty page (e.g. for shuffling the order of the following pages). Is there a way to remove these PHP boxes, that I now have on every single page of my questionnaire?

Thank you.

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (308k points)

The box hat most likely nothing to do with the error message - it does not do anything unless you put PHP code into it.

If the error message occurs, the reason is most likely an error in your HTML code on the page. Take a look into your imprint (contact infomation/footer), please. It you cannot identify the issue, please post a pretest link.

by s126407 (215 points)
edited by s126407
I thought so too, but this issue is now present across all of my questionnaires, which previously worked fine and this goes also for questionnaires in which I have no PHP codes, or any codes, whatsoever.  

Also, the error always appears starting with page 2 - on page 2 there are always instructions for respondents, and the warning appears when the "next" button is pressed. Or if I start the test in debug mode from e.g. page 15, I can go to page 16, but after submitting answer on page 16, the warning is shown.

Regarding an error in HTML code on pages, I'm not sure what you are referring to, I checked my contact info and footer, and everything seems fine.

Here is the pretest link for one of the questionnaires: https://www.soscisurvey.de/nemanjalicina/?act=Ise4UvqAK64YORXUSMQJRbPh
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
Thank you for the the pretest link. I can click from page 1 to page 3 and beyond, without an issues. Page 3 is only repeated if I do not select an answer. What shall I select to see the problem you describe above?
by s126407 (215 points)
I can't get past page 2. It loops me in warning. I click the button "dalje" which is "next" and it just doesn't display the following page, but the same page over and over and over again with the warning. I did this using the pretest link, and by testing the questionnaire in debug mode.
Please help.
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
What browser are you using? On what operating system or device?

There seems to be a lot of unnecessary HTML in SU02, so I recommend changing that formatted text to a "simple text". However, I see no obvious error in the HTML code, and it still works correctly for me.
by s126407 (215 points)
We have two versions of the experiment, the other one had "simple text" and the same error appeared.

We launched the experiments in hopes of sosci working correctly. In these two experiments we had (in each experiment) two sets of stimuli, and, in each of the two experiments two PHP codes for shuffling pages on which the two sets of stimuli were placed (one stimuli per page, PHP code 1 for shuffling the first half of stimuli and PHP code 2 for shuffling the second half of stimuli, i.e. pages).

The second PHP worked correctly, while the first one didn't. Namely, to around two-thirds of participants almost half of the pages shuffled by the first PHP code weren't  displayed, so now we have enormous amount of missing data, in participants who reached the last page, because sosci just didn't display them. This happened with the both experiments (they are identical, except for one question, and the formatted vs simple text in introduction, that you mentioned above).  

This never happened before and the warning i was mentioning in the thread was warning about sosci not registering answers from the displayed pages, which is something that happened since the "new feature" (PHP for Processing Responses) is being tested. Is there a solution, please?
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
> Namely, to around two-thirds of participants almost half of the pages shuffled by the first PHP code weren't  displayed

Such issues typcially arise if the page order defined by setPagePrder() is overwritten by another command such as another setPageOrder(), setNextPage(), loopPage() oder loopPageTo().

> now we have enormous amount of missing data

If any such issues arise, they would have been visible in the pretest, already. According to your further explanation, that was not the case.

> which is something that happened since the "new feature" (PHP for Processing Responses) is being tested

SoSci Survey gets upates very often (https://www.soscisurvey.de/de/changelog), and its likely a coincidence that your issues appeared together with the new feature.

> the warning i was mentioning in the thread was warning about sosci not registering answers from the displayed pages

Thi warning occurs whenever the server receives data from a page that it does not expect. This, again, is checked through a token sent along with the data.

> Is there a solution, please?

Do you want me to create an administrator login to your project, and take a look myself? If yes, please give me instructions how to replicate the issue. And let's start with one of the issues. If I understand you correctly, the issue with the page rotation occurs reliably?

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