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in SoSci Survey (English) by s261464 (120 points)

I am facing a problem with the randomisation of 6 questionnaires that I have.
I followed the instructions in: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:random_questionnaire

I named my random generator question as RG08. I saved it in a section.I copied the PHP code and replaced thw RF01 with RG08.

When I test it, an error occurs:
Variable RG08 is unknown to this project (see listing of variables). Therefore no result can be retrieved.
There is no questionnaire with the ID in this survey project.

I attach a screenshot with the page of the random questionnaire and one with my random generator question.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (323k points)

In RG08 you told the question to draw 6 codes pro interview (according to your first screenshot).

If you actually intend to show all 6 questionnaire in a rotated order, then your variable would be RG08x1, RG08x2, etc.

If you only want to display one questionnaire, tell the RG08 question to draw only one code.

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