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in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s241267 (130 points)

I need my German survey in Ukrainian and Russian so that participants can choose between their preferred languages.
As I have two groups and, thus, two projects with different questionnaires (I need two links), I am wondering whether there is any way to import/export the translation table that I created for one of my projects.

Thanks for your support!

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (328k points)

You should not create copies of the project, unless there is good reason. Having different links is easier, see URL to the Questionnaire (especially the language switch and the reference).

Generally you should use the translation feature to have the same questionnaire in different languages. This will also allow you to export the texts as a table, give these to translations, and re-import the translated texts. I understand, this is what you were looking for?

by s241267 (130 points)
Oh, honestly I didn't know I can have several links within one project at the same time. How do I do that? Within my project, I have intervention and control group and 3 measurement points. So, I would need to have six questionnaires that require different links.

I am using the table already. I was just not able to import this from another project and, thus, had to copy and paste every single item. Thus, I was wondering if there is a smoother way that I have not yet found.
by SoSci Survey (328k points)
> I have intervention and control group and 3 measurement points. So, I would need to have six questionnaires that require different links.

Do you assign respondents to the groups within the questionnaire, or do you do that a-priori?

> I am using the table already. I was just not able to import this from another project and, thus, had to copy and paste every single item.

The language translation only works, if SoSci Survey can use a fixed base language as reference. If you have no common base language with identical terms in different projects, your table import will fail. But, as I wrote, usually you will do this within one project.

> So, I would need to have six questionnaires that require different links.

You can create multiple questionnaires (using the same questions) within one project, or you can use a single questionnaire, and use diffferent links to modify what is shown. And for experiments, you may only use one questionnaire, and automatically randomize the content.

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