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in SoSci Survey (English) by s208019 (160 points)

Hello, as part of a research project, we would like to set up the sending of SMS in SoSciSurvey via the LOX24 service. Unfortunately, we are having difficulties setting up the linking of the services and sending experimental SMS messages. So far I have set up an account with Lox24 and created an Email2SMS API key.
I used the following help page: https://doc.lox24.eu/#section/Sending-SMS-by-Email and tried to send a notification in SoSci to the following address: 2XX6X.27eb2dXXXXXXX4abbd744f7ad3219.49xxxxxxxxxx.direct@mail2sms. lox24.eu

I didn't receive an error message, but I didn't receive an SMS either. I'm sure I skipped an essential point in the setup, but unfortunately I have little experience in this regard. Would it be possible to get more detailed instructions from you?

Thank you very much and kind regards!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (327k points)

I have not yet tries the Email2SMS API. To circle the issue down, you can do this:

1) You may add a CC address t your address entry, so you see if the email was actually sent. And to what address.

2) After logging in to LOX24, you shall see if the SMS was received for delivery.

When using www.soscisurvey.de or s2survey.net, we can offer sending SMS directly via LOX24. The costs are 0,10 € plus tax per SMS in this case, and we will account at least 200 SMS.

When using a local server (e.g., a campus server), you can configure a LOX24 account to use the SMS feature of SoSci Survey.

by s208019 (160 points)
Hi, thank you very much for your prompt reply. I cannot see that the SMS was sent in my LOX24 account, so it looks that the Email2SMS gateway in SoSci didn't work as intended. You mention configuring a lox24 account in sosci. How does that work? I cannot find any useful documentation in this regard.
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
There is no "Email2SMS gateway in SoSci". SoSci Survey can connect to the general LOX24 gateway, or you can send emails, and hope that LOX24 will process them properly. TO check the latter, try the CC option.

>  You mention configuring a lox24 account in sosci.

That option is available for local installations of SoSci Survey. Are you working on a local instance, such as a campus instance (i.e., not www.soscisurvey.de)?
by s208019 (160 points)
Yes, I am working on a campus instance of SoSci. How does the configuration look like in this case?
I tried via php code, but it seems that SoSci doesn't support the curl_init function.
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
Please talk to the person who's administering the server. They shall go into the server settings and setup the LOX24 credentials there. Then they shall enable the SMS feature for your sosci account.

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