0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s241267 (130 points)

We've set up a randomization between two surveys with block randomization in the final sample. However, so far, we got 50 responses for one survey and 0 for the other and think the randomization might not work. However, we cannot find the mistake...

Thank you for your suppport!!

by s109993 (12.0k points)
I think you need to provide more Information. What code did you use e.g.? You always need to run a pretest before starting a survey to prevent mistakes like that.
by SoSci Survey (327k points)
Please tell more about the setting of your random generator, and what the number of drawings (on the right, in the random generator) shows, and what you PHP code looks like, and what the debug information tells you. Based on this information, we shall be able to tell where you went wrong.
by s241267 (130 points)
Thank you very much for your further questions :)
Here's the information (in German):

Urne für die Zufallsziehung: 1= Survey_1; 2 = Survey_2
Bisher gezogen: 1:1; 2:2 (Might this be an issue? Do I have to write anything else here?)

Ziehung: Gleichverteilung in abgeschlossenen Fragebögen

Fragebogen random mit Zufallsgenerator PHP-Code: $qnr = value('A103', 'label');

I am looking forward to your support!! Thank you :)

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (327k points)

Bisher gezogen: 1:1; 2:2 (Might this be an issue? Do I have to write anything else here?)

That means that the 50 drawings have not been recorded. And this most likely is caused by...

Ziehung: Gleichverteilung in abgeschlossenen Fragebögen

So, either your respondents do not reach the "last page" of your questionnaire, or you're working with goToQuestionnaire(), which also means that they will never reach the "last page" of the random questionnaire.

So, if there is any reason for your respondents not to reach the "last page", change the mode of drawing back to the default, please.

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