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in SoSci Survey (English) by s265001 (110 points)

hello All,

i am creating survey for my studies i want to create a unique token in first page.

i want to give Each participant a unique token in respect to their identity.so that we can figure out the response of an individual but to other people it remains hidden. Also, when the survey link is shared in internet and if people rather than target participant attended the survey, we can differentiate those response.

Kindly help how i can do it

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (320k points)

i want to give Each participant a unique token

One option would be the access code feature: Serial Numbers

so that we can figure out the response of an individual

Please note that we're talking about personal data, as soon as you know which case belongs to what person. The standard-server www.soscisurvey.de must not be used for personal data: Personal Data. There are severe penalties for violating the GDPR.

Also, when the survey link is shared in internet and if people rather than target participant attended the survey, we can differentiate those response.

Depending on the configuration, each access code will work only once.

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