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in SoSci Survey (English) by s266003 (120 points)

Hello, this is my first time using SoSci.

In my 'experiment' i want to make participants answer whether they think a small text is written by a human or AI-written, and how certain they are of their choice.
I want to display 1 text at a time, maybe 10 in total (from a pool of many different text examples) , so that each participant randomly gets 5 human-written texts, and 5 ai-written texts.

In the data collection, besides getting the answer of the participant, i also need a column on whether the text they answered to was actually human or AI. I need this to do analysis about the accuracy of participants guesses later on.

How can i do this?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (320k points)

In the data collection, besides getting the answer of the participant, i also need a column on whether the text they answered to was actually human or AI.

Sounds like you want a multi level design. This will allow you to already store the data in one-row-per text. Of course, cou can collect the answers in a "normal" questionnaire as well, and then convert from wide- to long-format in your data analysis.

What you'll need, in any case, are two random generators. One with the IDs of the AI texts and one with the IDs of the human written texts.

To store the texts, you can either create a lot of texts in the list of questions, or you can use the database for contents. If we're talking about >20 texts, I recommend the second one.

For each random generator set to draw 5 codes per interview. And finally join the drawn codes via valueList(), array_values() and array_merge(), shuffle them, and then present them along the question(s).

by s266003 (120 points)
Okay, i did that and the debug information says:
[Information]    Interview number 39 is to be continued
[Information]    Questionnaire qnr2 from project test388761 will be used
[Information]    The retention period on page 4 has been additional 22 seconds
[Processing]    Reading answers from page 4
[Information]    Answer to QE01 = 1
[Information]    Answer to QE02 = 3
[Information]    100% of the questions have been answered so far
[Information]    According to the previously set page order, page 4 [] is shown
[Processing]    Create page 4 in questionnaire qnr2
debug()    Content: 0[false], 1[false], 2[false], 3[false], 4[false], 5[false], 6[false], 7[false], 8[false], 9[false]
[Information]    loopPage() i=3
[Information]    The internal variable DA01_04 gets a value of [false].
[Content]    Create question QE01
[Content]    Create question QE02

How do i go on from here?
by SoSci Survey (320k points)
> debug()    Content: 0[false], 1[false], 2[false], 3[false], 4[false], 5[false], 6[false], 7[false], 8[false], 9[false]

Okay, this looks wrong. To me it says: Something is not working in this PHP code:

if (!isset($draws)) {
  $draws = array_merge(
    array_values(valueList('RG01', NULL, 'label')),
    array_values(valueList('RG02', NULL,'label')),

However, I do not know what you made of this code. You included the two random generators somewhere on the page, and put a code like above below them, did you?
by s266003 (120 points)
oh, i did just now, and i now see the the second column in my csv file which is the title for the story which is great! 3 questions:

1. How can i display both the title for each story (which is there now) and the story itself below (which is the third column in my csv file?
2. How can i do such that for each page shown the type and likert scale questions become 'blank' when you click next page? (right now, it has saved the last response and the boxes of the last response are ticked)
3. Is there anywhere i can see the file output of a finished response of the questionnaire? I would like to have a look at how the rows/columns are structured, and what variables are saved.

Thank you very much!
by s266003 (120 points)
I figured out nr. 1 myself. However i would still like to know:
2. How can i do such that for each page shown the type and likert scale questions become 'blank' when you click next page? (right now, it has saved the last response and the boxes of the last response are ticked)
3. Is there anywhere i can see the file output of a finished response of the questionnaire? I would like to have a look at how the rows/columns are structured, and what variables are saved.

Thanks so much
by SoSci Survey (320k points)
> How can i do such that for each page shown the type and likert scale questions become 'blank' when you click next page?

That's an important one, because if it does not, then you show the same question over and over again, and respondents will delete their previous questions. Literally.

So, if you have 3 copies of the questions, let's say:

$questions = [
  1 => ['QE01', 'QE02'],
  2 => ['QE03', 'QE04'],
  3 => ['QE05', 'QE06']

the show another pair like this:

$i = loopPage(count($draws));

> Is there anywhere i can see the file output of a finished response of the questionnaire?

Look in "collected data" -> "view data".

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