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in SoSci Survey (English) by s262845 (110 points)

I would like create a survey wherein my work colleagie can have access to it and fill it in/submit. After they submit, i would like to be able to open the same survey and be able to see the answers they put in and also change them. I can see that SoSci survey has the option to "Change submitted Survey", however this solution seems quite complex in the backend to first find the submitted survey case, input the number into the tool, and then have a second link generated for changing the answers. I am looking for an easier solution. Thank.you.

by SoSci Survey (337k points)
We're talking about the generaic application that some other person starts the survey and their colleague can respond? Or are we actually talking about (very) few people?
by s262845 (110 points)
It's more so a question about the possibility to change the answers to a survey once it has been submitted by someone. I know that SoSci survey has this button "change submitted survey" to be able to do this but i am wondering if there is an easier way? I would like for one of my colleagues to fill in a survey, submit it to me, and then i want to be able to go in and adjust the answers. Is this possible?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (337k points)

It's more so a question about the possibility to change the answers to a survey once it has been submitted by someone.

As long as an interview has not been finished, that's easy. Example: Put the same question on pages 1, 2 and 3 of a questionnaire. That will allow you to change the value several times.However, having two people working on the same interview needs some precautions in the overall procedure.

In partner surveys, I often work with the database for contents. In interview A I store the answer(s) to the database, access them in interview B and use preset() to show them in questions as response preset to be changed. This allows for tracking who changed what on what stage.

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