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in SoSci Survey (English) by s091686 (150 points)

Is there a way to change variable name?
At the moment, all the variables have a code such as Question DE01. A question regarding age for example has the variable name Question DE24 (it is called age under description) but I would rather have the name age. This makes it far easier when importing to SPSS. Is this possible? I have played around with the debug menu.

When downloading onto SPSS the variable name is DE24 but the label states age

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

We have been working on custom variables names a bit, but the benefits (a nice name) did not counterweight potential drawbacks (name confusion and handling of collisions, complex handling of items with multiple variables).

Therefore, the variable name is defined by the section and the question ID.

Working with these variables in SPSS or R is quite simple, as the label makes the variable content clear. If you need more assistance, it's helpful to print the Variable View.

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