0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s212252 (185 points)

I'm trying to direct participants to the last page if they select "No" in the consent form. I have created a filter question and selected "Jump to another page within the questionnaire" and now I need to enter the question ID of the page I want to display. However, I do not know the ID of the last page. I tried "end", "Last Page", "last page", "LASTPAGE", and "lastpage" but none seems to work.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (316k points)

When using a question filter, you would rather define a "screenout" instead of jumping.

If you want to jump to the last page, you have two options:

Option a) Use a PHP filter.

Option b) Add an (otherwise empty) page before the last page, and jump there.

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