0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s239139 (130 points)

We have a question template SAM, and the questions in SAM require two images to be used as the scale graphic, which looks like [https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/52870/how-to-analyse-self-assessment-manikin-data].

The problem is that we couldn't find a way to include these images in the SAM template, which means every time a member of our organization wants to use the template, we need to give them the images and they need to upload them to their own questionnaire. So I'm wondering if you might know a way to upload these images in the SAM template.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (311k points)
selected by s239139
Best answer

they are not actually included in the template (only in my own project), which means everyone who wants to use this template should also do the same process again.

Thanks for the clarification.

Option A

Use the SAM images already included in SoSci, although the template is missing for some reason...

<img src="ofb://sam-arousal-1">

Option B

If you look for "Data URI" you'll find websites where you can upload an image in order to create a (rather long) URL that had the image data itself.

And, yes, we should definitely add the SAM as default template in SoSci Survey soon.

by s239139 (130 points)
Thank you so much for your help! I implemented option B and it worked. Just a small question, after I put the URI version of the image, sometimes I see the following error message in the preview, and sometimes it shows the image as desired, do you know why this occurred?

The webpage at https://www.soscisurvey.de/test348087/?s2preview=OCdD1Cwi9qaIRyHlNyKN5wAsgsdoqpee&question=SM02&csfr&r=EWLW/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

But when I clicked "new window", I could always see the image.
by SoSci Survey (311k points)
I have seen an error in the rrorlogs, related to "ofb://sam-arousal-1". MIght be the cause of what you observed. Should be fixed by Friday, and should not occur when using only data URIs.
0 votes
by SoSci Survey (311k points)

Actually, I though we had uploaded a SAM template in SoSci Survey. But, obviously, that is not the case.

Okay, the easiest option is to upload the single (!) reponse option images from the SAM (i.e. 5 options=5 images per dimension) in the Images and media files menu option. And then to use the images in a horizontal selection question, e.g.

<img src="arousal1.png" alt="">
by s239139 (130 points)
Thanks for your answer! Sorry, I wasn't clear about my question. I already know how to show the images by uploading them to Images and media files menu option, but I noticed that if I upload the images there, they are not actually included in the template (only in my own project), which means everyone who wants to use this template should also do the same process again.
So my question is do we have a way to include them in the SAM template so others can directly use the template without worrying about the images? Hope it makes sense and thanks again for your help in advance.

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