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in SoSci Survey (English) by s244768 (110 points)

I am trying to add a csv file that was prior converted from a pdf file, in order to add a translation to my questionnaire.
However a generic error message keeps popping up.

The steps leading up to the upload attempt are:
1. downloading the questionnaire in English and getting it translated by DeepL
2. converting the pdf translation into a csv file and trying to upload it.

Can someone please help me?

Much appreciated

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (308k points)

To upload the CSV file, it needs to be a valid table - with the original texts in one column and the translations in another one.

Please try to open your CSV in Excel to see if it looks like a table. If everything looks fine, save it as CSV from Excel. If not, then PDFs are definitely not a good idea.

Have you considered, opening the CSV in Excel, saving it as XLSX file, and then upload this Excel-file to DeepL.

by s244768 (110 points)
Cheers for your fast response. I see only one problem: deepL only accepts pdf, word and / or ppt. At least the free version. Or am I wrong?
On second note.. I could go over each question manually (using DeepL) and input it into the existing excel file and then save everything as a csv and try to upload it.
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
Actually, Google Translate is not much worse then DeepL - and it's integrated in the translation feature of SoSci Survey (i.e., the table view that displays the translations side-by-side).

> deepL only accepts pdf, word and / or ppt

You can give it a try and put a table in a Word file to feed it to DeepL. However, if the free version of DeepL does not like to translate tables, than you won't be able to use it to translate tables.

>  I could go over each question manually (using DeepL) and input it into the existing excel file and then save everything as a csv and try to upload it.

Seems like the "online table" in the translation assistant would be a bit easier than opening each question.
by s244768 (110 points)
Thanks again for your swift help.. I will do what you suggested and try Google Translate (and maybe give it one shot with the table approach via DeepL).

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