0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s246912 (125 points)


I need in the second part of may questionnaire that Items of the Second parts get filtered depending on what was answered in the previous question.

Question I: In the first question, participants need to rate their familiarity about each 11 concepts from 1 to 5.

Question II: Then, they have to rate the similarity of these concepts. As there are 11 concepts, 55 pairs can be created. Participants should compare max 4 concepts (10 pairs).
I created a first filter so that only the concepts rated with 3 and above are displayed in question II.
If participants rated in question I more than 4 concepts with 3 and above, I need to filter them so only 4 are displayed. This is were I struggle and need help.
I created 10 questions (concept one vs. all others; concept 2 vs. all others etc.). I can display 4 questions but I need items to not be shown (concepts in question I have the same ID than items of concepts in question II).
How can I make items not appear so the participants don't rate them?

by s109993 (12.0k points)
I don't think I am able to follow your question set up, but answer the your question in the title: yes, of course that is possible- all filters are usually based on the values (answers) of previous questions. Maybe have a look here https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:php-filters#conditions

If that does not help, write it here and maybe specify your questions a bit more. What is your problem with the code, what are the error messages and so on.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

If participants rated in question I more than 4 concepts with 3 and above, I need to filter them so only 4 are displayed. This is were I struggle and need help.

I guess you've arrived at PHP code and arrays, right? Something like

$items = getItems('AB01', '>=', 3);

Now, it may be that you have more than four concepts, and you want to select up to 4 of them? Quite easy:

if (count($items) > 4) {
  $items = array_slice($items, 0, 4);

You can always check if your PHP code works properly:


How can I make items not appear so the participants don't rate them?

Just limit a question to those items you want to appear:

question('XY01', $items);
by s246912 (125 points)
Thank you very much, the last part : question('XY01', $items); was exactly what I needed and was searching for ! :)

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