0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s241244 (130 points)

I want to use several php function such as "strval", "filter_input" and i have an error message saying that the function is disabled and I have to contact the administrator.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (322k points)

SoSci Survey allows for functions that have been checked an whitelisted. If you're missing function, you can post them.


If you need to transform a number, you can simply use a PHP typecast for that

$s = (string)$n;


If you just need an option to read inputs from the URL, the question type "Device and request variables" would be the better option, because it also works with repeated pages due to missing answers. The question type also grants access to some SERVER variables, such as IP address and the referer.

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