I am in the process of creating a survey intended to assess syntactic variation in Mainland Scandinavian. Respondents are asked to judge the correctness of different types of constructions presented in variation where either 2-3-4 or sometimes 5 renditions are provided of the same sentence with a slightly differing syntax. The questions are therefore presented in the form of a matrix questionnaire with the following answer options; ): Yes, the sentence sounds natural. I can say it like that.; A questionable sentence. I would hardly say something like this.; No, the sentence is unacceptable. I cannot say it like that.
I would like to add a comment field after these answer options, should the respondent have anything about the sentences to say in addition. Is it possible to do so that a comment field wich allows an open text answer follows after the 43 answer options horizontally? I thank you for your help in advance.