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in SoSci Survey (English) by s105330 (330 points)

Hey everyone,

in our questionnaire we used the question type "visual placements". We used a picture of a latter and asked participants where they would place themselves in comparison to others. The lowest part of the latter is scored as a "1" whereas the highest part is scored as a "10". For us it is only interesting where the participants place themselves between "1" and "10", meaning that we are only interested in the vertical axis of the latter. However when looking at the already collected data, we realized that for each dot the participants made, we get a score which is calculated based on the vertical and the horizontal position of the dot. We cannot use this data since the horizontal axis is meaningless for us. Is it possible for already collected data to ignore the horizontal axis and get a score for each participants dot only based on the vertical position of the dot?

Thank you very much for your help.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

You shall find several variables.

The ***_rgs Variable tells the region that was marked. If you did not define any regions, there will be a "1" for each mark. Ideally, you have defined one region for each step of your ladder.

And then, there is the ***_pts variable. It has three comma-separated values for each mark. These are the X and Y coordinate, and the type of marker set.

So, if you take the second value from the ***_pts variable, you have the vertical position, and therefore a base to calculate the ladder step.

For furute application, please consider using a slider question with the ladder or stair scale.

by s105330 (330 points)

thank you very much for your help and your fast reply.

Is it somehow possible to "extract" the second value of the ***_pts variable in Sosci before downloading the data and download only this value without the other coordinate and the type of marker set? Or do I have to select the second value in my own data analysis later on?
by SoSci Survey (328k points)
Working with the "raw" placement data is up to your data analysis. If you need the location in a separate variable, please define the areas in advance to collecting data.

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