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in SoSci Survey (English) by s219346 (110 points)

Hello, I'm facing an issue with the questions in my survey. When a participant takes the survey, the answers on each page are prefilled according to the answers given on the previous page. Each page has the same questions. I'm facing this issue with both Chrome and Firefox. I have already seen this question here https://support.soscisurvey.de/?qa=40742/preventing-prefilled-question-answers , but it didn't provide a solution to my problem. Could you please help me with this? Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (306k points)

Most likely you are using the same questions and/or items on multiple pages. This won't work, because there can only be one answer per question/item.

If you need the same question multiple times, please make copies of the question, or present different items of the same question, or use a multi level structure.

by s219346 (110 points)
Thank you for your prompt response. If I make these changes now that the survey has been released, will the changes be included in the survey or will I have to release it again? Also, will the existing url continue to send participants to my survey?
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
Any change in a running questionnaire will immediatedly go online:
by s219346 (110 points)
Thank you for your help!

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