0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s224311 (170 points)

Dear reader,

I am currently looking for a small testing-sample for research puposes. I read on the internet that there is the possibility to use SoScis own panel, but I'm not able to find proper information about how to access/approach this panel. So the question would be if this possibility is still up and how to pursue this.

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (325k points)

I read on the internet that there is the possibility to use SoScis own panel

This information is probably incorrect. Or at least several years outdated. Since 2018 the SoSci Panel is completely separated from SoSci Survey (and eve before that, it was not SoSci Surveys's "own" panel).

Please refer to www.soscipanel.de for information how to submit a study to the panel. It will go through a peer review there.

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