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in SoSci Survey (English) by s220888 (110 points)


I am considering moving my entire business school to SoSci. Before doing that I need to make sure that our users will be able to use it smoothly in Hebrew. I ran a test and got the following results. When the text is written in Hebrew but the language is set to English, the item looks as follows

The scale looks fine but the questions should be written on the right hand-side. Thus, I change the language to Hebrew and I got

As you can see the order of the anchors is garbled where 6 is on the right, separate from all other numbers and then it has 0 to 5.

Is there away to fix this problem?

by SoSci Survey (312k points)
Would you mind posting a pretest link t the page with the question. Looks like a bug in the display mode. Which question layout did you select in the question, "dynamic"?

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (312k points)

Unfortunately, the person asking this question did neither send a pretest URL nor the question as XML. Our tests with a "scale (extremes labelled)" weere unable to reproduce the issue.

Should anyone step over that issue again, please export the question as XML file (that's the export function in the question), and send the file to info@soscisurvey.de - as soon as we can repliacte the issue, we will be able to solve it.

by s280220 (110 points)
Hi! I have the same trouble. I've sent you the XML file and the screenshots to info@soscisurvey.de. I am actually trying to develop a questionnaire in Yiddish. The system believes that Yiddish it written from left-to-right, which is wrong. It's actually written with the Hebrew letters right-to-left. When I switch the survey to Hebrew mode, similar troubles arise. Please see my email.
Best regards,
by SoSci Survey (312k points)
edited by SoSci Survey
Thanks for the note, we told SoSci Survey that Yiddish is written right-to-left. That, however, probably means that the min/max issue now occurs in Yiddish as well. Thank you for the XML file, we'll see to solve that by [update] the day after tomorrow.
by SoSci Survey (312k points)
We found an issue that became only visible, if the base language used the right-to-left text direction. On www.soscisurvey.de, we have installed an update to solve that issue.
by s280220 (110 points)
Problem fixed! Thank you!

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