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in SoSci Survey (English) by s106223 (145 points)
closed by SoSci Survey


I have two separate sections with 72 questions each.
I need to present specific 24 questions from one section and specific 24 questions from the other section in a random order on the same page.

I know how to do it if drawing the questions from one section only.
I tried to adapt the code to draw the questions from both sections (I'm pasting it below).

However, I never get presented all 48 items and I cannot find the error. I can think of that e.g. $questionsNN is not registered as an array, therefore array_merge is inappropriate, and tried to combine it as variables, but that doesn't work either.

Please help!
Thank you in advance.

    if (!isset($questionsNN)) {
  $questionsNN = array(
    'NN01', 'NN02', 'NN11', 'NN12', 
	'NN15',	'NN16', 'NN19', 'NN20', 
	'NN29', 'NN30', 'NN33', 'NN34', 
	'NN37', 'NN38', 'NN47', 'NN48', 
	'NN51', 'NN52', 'NN55', 'NN56', 
	'NN65', 'NN66', 'NN69', 'NN70'
if (!isset($questionsNQ)) {
  $questionsNQ = array(
    'NQ01', 'NQ02', 'NQ11', 'NQ12', 
	'NQ15',	'NQ16', 'NQ19', 'NQ20', 
	'NQ29', 'NQ30', 'NQ33', 'NQ34', 
	'NQ37', 'NQ38', 'NQ47', 'NQ48', 
	'NQ51', 'NQ52', 'NQ55', 'NQ56', 
	'NQ65', 'NQ66', 'NQ69', 'NQ70'
if (!isset($NE_all)) {
    $NE_all = array_merge($questionsNN, $questionsNQ);
$ne = loopPage(count($NE_all));
for ($i=0; $i<count($NE_all); $i++) {
  $id = id('NN75', $i + 1);
  put($id, $NE_all[$i]);
closed with the note: Problem solved :)
by s106223 (145 points)
What actually happens (I followed it in the debug window) is that it skips loops.
E.g. it stands loopPage() i=8, and than it shows 9 but quickly skips to 10 without showing the question from page 9.
by s106223 (145 points)
Solved it and changed the code in the original message to the one that works, if somebody needed this ever.

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