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in SoSci Survey (English) by s222967 (145 points)
edited by s222967

I am taking the steps mentioned in the manual to set automatic emails for confirmation and second wave and I cannot find the setting mentioned here. there is no additional setting in the opt-in question.

Now please open the opt-in question again for editing. Under Additional settings, tab Confirmation select under Forward after confirmation → Questionnaire link off now please select the serial mail 1. It is convenient that you enter no text for confirmation (text at confirmation) in the opt-in question, then respondents will be redirected directly to questionnaire A2 (what serial mail 1 refers to) after confirmation. Save this setting (Save question).

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (337k points)

I cannot find the setting mentioned here

Sorry, the manual used complete wrong labels in this section, we have corrected that:

>Now please open the opt-in question again for editing. Under Detail Settings, tab Response select under Redirect After Confirmation → Personalized link from now please select the mailing 1. It is convenient that you enter no text for confirmation (Content to show after confirmation) in the opt-in question, then respondents will be redirected directly to questionnaire A2 (what serial mail 1 refers to) after confirmation. Save this setting (Save question).

I did not go through the other sections, but should they use an incorrect wording as well, please let me know.

by s222967 (145 points)
Thanks for your reply. I am trying to do the instructions as it is described but I cannot still get it right. My questionnaire would be exactly as it is described in this manual. I get the confirmation email after the A1 and it will be saved in the 'list of contacts' and when I click the confirmation link I can answer to questions in A2. but then no email will be sent for B part. and the status in the list of contacts is on    'No e-mail sent'. I have written this code in A2 Php function:
mailSchedule(false, 2, 100);

The problem now is that I cannot find the menu that is described in this paragraph
'If you now call up the first questionnaire, enter an e-mail address there and click on the link in the confirmation e-mail, then you can see the new address entry under Send invitations → Address list. And under Serial Mail you can also see that the sending of the serial mail to an address is prepared.'
there is no Send invitations → Address list and there is no serial mail option.
looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
> but then no email will be sent for B part.

The second email is triggered when you get to the page that contains the mailSchedule(). This must be places in the part *after* the confirmation, that is part B in your description.

> there is no Send invitations → Address list and there is no serial mail option.

Oh, yes, the "Adress list" is actually the "List of Contacts" and it has moved to the top level in the navigation recently.
by s222967 (145 points)
Thanks for the reply,
This is still not working. I am wondering if I have understood the instruction correctly and it does what I actually want:
I send a link to my participant and he fills out the personal information including the email address. then a confirmation link is sent immediately with a link to fill out the first wave while the email is added to the participant lists. then at a certain time specified with mailSchedule() command a second email will be sent with a link to the second wave.
Is this what is explained in the instruction? This is also what I expect. but I cannot still get it right for the second email.
Looking forward hearing from you
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
> Is this what is explained in the instruction?

Yes, I suppose.

> but I cannot still get it right for the second email.

Please make dure that the mailSchedule() function is actually called. Place it on the first page of the questionnaire that you display after the confirmation-click.

Doe thwo whole procedure in debug mode (yellow arrows) and check the debug information after the confirmation click (https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:debugging). What does it say?
by s222967 (145 points)
edited by s222967
But I thought earlier you told me I have to put the function in B part? after the first wave?
The second email is triggered when you get to the page that contains the mailSchedule(). This must be places in the part *after* the confirmation, that is part B in your description.
I am confused. I have Base questionnaire (A1), Questionnaire Nr1(A2) and Questionnaire Nr2 (B). if I have understood you correctly, I should put it on first page of A2.
check the debug information after the confirmation click:
I checked the debug information and the first sentence is:
for the personal information page there is a information such that this is gonna be continued later but there is no such thing in the first wave questionnaire
 Do we have to make everything online (out of test phase) to be able to test it?
by s222967 (145 points)
I also made it online and gave the date for today for testing and it was not again working
how do I know whether or not the code is running?
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
>But I thought earlier you told me I have to put the function in B part? after the first wave?

Yes, and I thought, I repeated that in my previous comment :)

Okay, the flow is as follows:

A) Registration questionnaire with Opt-In
B) Questionnaire displayed immediately after confirmation + mailSchedule()
C) Another questionnaire done some time later (in two weeks or such)

So, I did not get A1/A2 in your description. Hope, now its clearer?

> Do we have to make everything online (out of test phase) to be able to test it?

No, the debug mode will work fine. But you have to start in the very first questionnaire, and already register the email address in debug mode.

> for the personal information page there is a information such that this is gonna be continued later

You are sure, this is the debug information in the upper right corner of the window? See https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:debugging
by s222967 (145 points)
>A) Registration questionnaire with Opt-In
B) Questionnaire displayed immediately after confirmation + mailSchedule()
C) Another questionnaire done some time later (in two weeks or such)

I have done everything according to this manual. and the problem is that I cannot understand if the PHP- code is executing or not and if it is why the email is not being sent. and the debug page does not seem to show any info on php-code. looking forward to your reply.
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
>  I cannot understand if the PHP- code is executing or not

Place a debug() line n top of the respective page, so you will see some output:

debug('Here we go');

Then also place such a debug() just above the mailSchedule(). Then it should become much more clear if the PHP code is running.

> the debug page does not seem to show any info on php-code

What does the Debug information say? Feel free to post it here.
by s222967 (145 points)
>Place a debug() line n top of the respective page, so you will see some output:
what do you mean by respective page? which page do you mean?

>Then also place such a debug() just above the mailSchedule(). Then it should become much more clear if the PHP code is running.
when I put a debug like this in the php-code like this
mailSchedule(false, 2, 1);
then there is a syntax error for the function which says:
syntax error, unexpected T-string
and it does not present anything different than before in the debug(yellow) page. Here are my debug information in the first two parts.

first page debug information
[Information]    Interview number 140 is to be continued
[Information]    Questionnaire A1 from project test323346 will be used
[Information]    Retention period on page 1 has been 21 seconds
[Processing]    Reading answers from page 1
[Information]    Answer to SC01 = 2
[Information]    100% of the questions have been answered so far
[Processing]    Create page 2 in questionnaire A1
[Content]    Create question PI08
[Content]    Create question PI01
[Content]    Create question PI02
[Content]    Create question PI03
[Content]    Create question PI07
[Content]    Create question PI04
[Content]    Create question PI05
[Content]    Create question PI06
[Content]    Create question PI09

second page debug information
[Information]    Interview started (new case no. 141)
[Information]    Questionnaire A2 from project test323346 will be used
[Processing]    Create page 1 in questionnaire A2
[Content]    Create question SM02
[Content]    Create question SM01
[Content]    Create question SQ01
[Content]    Create question SQ02
[Content]    Create question SQ03
[Content]    Create question SQ04
[Content]    Create question SQ05
[Content]    Create question SQ06
[Content]    Create question SQ07
[Content]    Create question SQ08
[Content]    Create question SQ09
[Content]    Create question SQ10
[Content]    Create question SQ11
[Content]    Create question SQ12
[Content]    Create question SQ13
[Content]    Create question SQ14
[Content]    Create question SQ15
[Content]    Create question SQ16
[Content]    Create question SQ17
[Content]    Create question SQ18
[Content]    Create question SQ19
[Content]    Create question SQ20
[Content]    Create question SQ21
[Content]    Create question SQ22
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
> syntax error, unexpected T-string

Please add a parameter to the debug() function and do not forget about the semicolon. I gave you the example above:

debug('Here we go');

In which questionnaire (name) and on whoch page did you place the mailSchedule() and debug() functions?
by s222967 (145 points)
my questionnaire has 3 parts. One part personal information with an apt-in for mailing address question which triggers a confirmation email for the part 2 and I have a 3rd questionnaire that I want to be answered after receiving an email with the mailSchedule command.
>In which questionnaire (name) and on whoch page did you place the mailSchedule() and debug() functions?
I have put the command in the php-function of the second questionnaire
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
The debug information says

> [Information]    Questionnaire A2 from project test323346 will be used

So, the ID would be "A2" in this case. WOuld you mind re-writing your previous post, explaining which content you use in which questionnaire (with their IDs)? Thank you.
by s222967 (145 points)
I changed the ID (name) to match your instruction manual so that when I ask questions we know where we are. So:
A1: it starts with a consent form. The participants agrees to the terms and goes to next page which is the personal information including: gender, age, nationality, residence, native language, level in English, Educational qualification and opt-in EMail. when the person fills the information and put his email address then an email is sent with a link immediately to the second part A2
A2: includes a text and 22 scalar questions. I have written the code
debug('here we go');
mailSchedule(false, 2, 1);
in PHP Functions and then we expect that an email is sent 1 second later (for the test, we actually want the email for one week later) to do the A2 part. The A2 is the mere repetition of A1(a text and 22 scalar questions).

The IDs are: A1, A2 and B
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
Thank you. So, the PHP code is on page 1 on A2, just above the questions SM02, SM01, ..., right? And when you click the confirmation link you should see a reference to 'here we go' in the debug information?
by s222967 (145 points)
No, there is no reference 'here we go'. Does it mean that the code is not executing at all?
Maybe this is also relevant: when we answer the questions and press submit, it writes in the debug information that:
100% of the questions have been answered so far
while we have a B part, which we have not answered yet.
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
> 100% of the questions have been answered so far

That is only the percentage of items answered in the questions that have been asked to this point. The "so far" is a bit misleading here.

> No, there is no reference 'here we go'. Does it mean that the code is not executing at all?

Yes. So, let's go through two points again.

1) You have addes "PHP code" block on top of page 1 of questionnaire A2, right?

2) The debug information after clicking the confirmation links starts with

> [Information]    Interview started (new case no. ...)
> [Information]    Questionnaire A2 from project test323346 will be used
> [Processing]    Create page 1 in questionnaire A2
by s222967 (145 points)
what do you mean in the first page? in every part there is one PHP-Function which is not attached to the page number nor has a page number.
I have the PHP-code in the PHP-function of the A2

yes. exactly as the following:

[Information]    Interview started (new case no. 154)
[Information]    Questionnaire A2 from project test323346 will be used
[Processing]    Create page 1 in questionnaire A2
[Content]    Create question SM02
[Content]    Create question SM01
[Content]    Create question SQ01
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
>  in every part there is one PHP-Function which is not attached to the page number nor has a page number.

Okay, this is labelled "PHP Functions" and does ONLY define functions that can be used within the pages. The PHP code within the "PHP Functions" will not run unless called on any page. Seems we got the issue :)

So, plese drag an element "PHP code" from the right side into the first page (https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:php), and place the PHP code there. Then retry.
by s222967 (145 points)
reshown by s222967
Thank you very much for your help.
[Information]    Interview started (new case no. 162)
[Information]    Questionnaire A2 from project test323346 will be used
[Processing]    Create page 1 in questionnaire A2
debug()    Content: 'Here we go' = Here we go (string)
[Information]    Scheduled mailing 2 (follow-up) for rmniran34@gmail.com (send immeditely).
[Content]    Create question SM02
[Content]    Create question SM01

If I may ask one more question and that is when I get now the second email :) it goes again back to A2 and not B because it says that the second questionnaire is not online. can you tell me how I make it online please?
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
Looks great :)

> it goes again back to A2 and not B because it says that the second questionnaire is not online

Are we talking about the maliing No. 2 that you have sent via mailSchedule(). Please go into the mailing, and check the different tabs. First, make sure that the placeholder %link% is used - never put the URL into the email, because you need personalized links in the mailing. Second, check which questionnaire was selected in the "questionnaire URL" tab.

> it says that the second questionnaire is not online

If you entered the email address in the debug mode, it should be marked as debug address in the address list, and you should be able to access any questionnaires even if they are not yet online *IF* you actually have a personalized link in the email.
by s222967 (145 points)
We checked the mailings part. we have two parts in the mailing section: Confirmation and the reminder (for the second questionnaire). In the content section of each part there is the place holder  %link% already used. and in the Questionnaire URL, the correct page is chosen. (A2 for the confirmation and B for the reminder) but the problem persists. How can we know what is wrong?

>you should be able to access any questionnaires even if they are not yet online *IF* you actually have a personalized link in the email.

what do you mean by personalized link in the email?

thanks in advance
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
> Confirmation and the reminder (for the second questionnaire)

Did you actually set the second mailing as *reminder*? Because ... that would be the cause of the problem. If you send a reminder, then the exactly same link is sent like in the original mailing.

So, if you want to make the second mail direct the respondents to a different questionnaire, please make dure, that is is not defined as reminder, but as a invitation.

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