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in SoSci Survey (English) by s212252 (185 points)

To give participants course credit, I need to assign them a code of participation which is stored separately from their study data. The code needs to be displayed to them so they can report it back to me and I can verify their participation. Is there an option for doing this? It is similar to "collect email addresses separately" which stores email addresses separate from data.

by SoSci Survey (306k points)
Do you want to create and show them a code in the questionnaire, or shall they enter a code, that you have given them previously?
by s212252 (185 points)
The first one. I want to show them a random code, so they can copy and report it to me afterwards. That code needs to be stored independent of their data so I can check who has completed the survey without having access to their responses.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (306k points)

The first one. I want to show them a random code,

Right ... then please follow this manual:
Display individual codes or voucher codes

If it's important to you that these codes are not stored in the dataset, please use put() with the thrid parameter set true to overwrite the drawn code after having it displayed.

by s212252 (185 points)
edited by s212252
I tried to follow your instruction. I created a random generator 'D012' with all random codes that are supposed to be shown to participants:

if (value('D012_CP') > 0) {
} else {
replace('%code%', 'D012', 'response');
  html('<p>your participation code is: <strong>%code%</strong></p>');

Then I tried to use put() function:

put('D012', value('D012'), true);

But in the dataset, I can still see what random code was drawn for each participant. What did I do wrong?
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
> in the dataset, I can still see what random code was drawn for each participant.

You willl have to put() the NULL or FALSE value or the empty string.

put('D012', NULL, true);
put('D012', FALSE, true);
put('D012', '', true);

Please also note that reloading the page will probably display another code, because your put() will make the random generator to forget that it has already drawn one.

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