0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s045018 (115 points)

I am looking for a way to give feedback to answers selected in a polarity-profile-type questionnaire (dichotomous). Is there any easy way to do this?
This is how it looks:

My idea is to have on the next page on the right side for each Item a text/image saying "correct" or "wrong". I already thought about using a filter to display different pictures depending on the answer for each item but I couldn't manage to integrate the picture into the php code.

Please let me also know if it was posible with another type of question.

Thank you!

All the best

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (327k points)

Well, it won't work without a few lines of PHP code, sorry ;)

I assume, it would be sensible to display the given answer (for example in one columns), then a symbol for correct/wrong, and then (if it was wrong) the correct answer? Well, could look something like that:

// List of correct responses
$correct = array(
  1 => 1,
  2 => 1,
  3 => 2,
  // etc.
// Texts for left responses
$textsLeft = array(
  1 => 'Lampen dürfen nur als Energiesparlampen ...',
  2 => 'Eine Energiesparlampe, die einer ...',
  // etc.

  <tr><th>Ihre Antwort</th><th></th><th>Korrekte Antwort</th></tr>
foreach (getItems('AB01', 'all') as $item) {
  html('<tr><td>'.value(id('AB01', $item), 'label').'</td>');
  if (value(id('AB01', $item)) == $correct[$item]) {
    html('<td><img src="../layout/symbol.correct.png" style="width: 2em"></td>');
  } else {
    html('<td><img src="../layout/symbol.wrong.png" style="width: 2em"></td>');
    if ($correct[$item] == 2) {
      html('<td>'.getItemtext('AB01', $item).'</td>');
    } else {

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