0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s111139 (170 points)

Dear SoSci Team,

I have created my own user account and prepared a survey. Now it turned out that my university has a user license with which I can use a SoSci tool that I need.

How can I add the university license to my user account?

Thanks a lot and best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (337k points)

Depends on whether the university has a server on it's own, or if they have a licence on s2survey.net.

If they have a licence on their own, please move your project there:
Copying a Survey

If they have a licence on s2survey.net, please use the way that the university proposes to access that licence. If you need to login via your university, you may simply grant your university account access to the existing project, if that is in another account:
Shared Access to Projects

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