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in SoSci Survey (English) by s127450 (110 points)

I have built a survey in which participants have to watch 25 stimuli and then answer a multiple choice question followed by a text input question after each stimulus.

The questions after each stimulus are the same, but I have created separate question items in sosci survey for each stimulus.

The problem is, when testing the survey in a browser, after about 15 or so stimuli have been shown, the questions start popping up with a previous answer selected, or a previous text showing, instead of appearing blank. This problem doesn't happen when testing each page within sosci, but just when running the pilot test in a browser (both chrome and firefox). Also, the order of the stimuli are randomised, so the problem doesn't happen with specific question items, but the ones that appear towards the end. I assume it must be the browser trying to autofill the questions, but I'm not sure.

How can I solve this so that all questions appear blank, without preselections?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

the questions start popping up with a previous answer selected

Then most likely, an item that has been displayed before, is shown again. The debug information shall give you additional information.

For more concise information, I will need more input about your setting, please: How did you arrange the items? Did you create 25 items in each question or did you create 25 copies of the same question? How did you "glue" the questions to the stimuli? Do you show the stimuli in a fixed order or do you rotate? Do you use a random generator for that? What PHP code you you eventually use?

by s127450 (110 points)
Thank you for your response. I solved the problem!

In case it's useful to anyone else I will write the solution below:

As you suggested, the problem was that some stimuli were being shown twice, which is not what I intended. My questionnaire has 1 page per stimulus, and on each page there are two questions that need to be answered after each stimulus. There are unique question items for each page. Then I used PHP code to present the pages in a random order. There was a problem with my PHP code that was causing the questionnaire to present all the stimuli in a shuffled order, and then for some reason go back to the middle of the stimulus set and present half of them again. My PHP code for shuffling the order of the stimuli is:

$pages = array('PA', 'PB', 'PC', 'PD', 'PE');
$pages[] = 'PX';

Which I found here: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:create:functions:setpageorder

The problem I found was that there was a typo in the third line where the page that should follow the shuffled pages should be defined.

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