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in Datenauswertung by s061322 (130 points)

We are doing a study with a pre- and post-test. There was a Serial ID generated for every participant (shown in the dataset), but the Excel sheet does not show us the combination of e-mail address and ID anymore (only for some participants). We need this combination to send the participants their ID to match the posttest to the pretest.
Is there any way you can provide us with the e-mail addresses and the respective IDs?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (306k points)

How did you assign the SERIAL to the respondents? Did you use the mailing feature? If yes, the email adresses will only be shown in the dataset if

1) you chose "personal data" as privacy mode for the address entry - you can choose the for each email address during import, and you can check the adresses' privacy mode in the Adress List

2) you selected to download the email addresses in the download options.

by s061322 (130 points)
The serial Id was automatically assigned. In the mailing list we can see mail addresses and serial ids. The only problem is that we cannot see that for all of the participants. However, in  the data set every participant has an id. Is it possible to match the missing mail addresses and IDs.
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
Probably different privacy modes have been chosen for different respondents, i.e., for different waves of importing email addresses.
by s061322 (130 points)
Is there any way to still match mail and id post-hoc?
by SoSci Survey (306k points)
If the privacy mode was "pseudonymous" or below, the data is stored in the database, and can be retrieved manually. Please send an email with necessary details to info@soscisurvey.de, if necessary.

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