0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s090567 (110 points)
edited by s090567

My question regards the use of the free-standard version of Sosci-Survey with the following options: personalised access link and serial email dispatch.

Can maximum 5000 people fill in the form, or can only 5000 people receive a personalised access link to potentially fill in the form?

Thank you for your help!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

It is 5000 people who can open the questionnaire link and fill out the questionnaire. And even there we're not so very strict with that limit.

And there's another limit: You cannot send out more than 5000 emails per 24 hours. That means: If you address 10.000 people, 5000 mails will go out on the first day, and another 5000 on the second day.

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