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in SoSci Survey (English) by s189626 (110 points)


I am planning to conduct an online survey and I would like to ask if there is an option to run a questionnaire in full screen mode (and not in a single browser tab), so that during data collection participants will only be performing the experiment with no distractions?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

Respondents can press F11 (or whatever key their browser uses) to switch into fullcreen mode.

There is also an Element.requestFullscreen() method that makes one element (for example the questionnaire <div> fullscreen, if the respondents allow so. However, I have no experience how well that will work in daily practice.

What distractions are you concerened about? On which devices will your questionnaire run?

by s189626 (110 points)
Participants will complete the experiment using their personal laptops/desktops and I would like to avoid notifications popping from running apps and tabs, and minimize the possibility of them switching tabs before completing the questionnaire. I will try both options and see what works best, thanks a lot!
by SoSci Survey (331k points)
> I would like to avoid notifications popping from running apps and tabs

I do not think that Windows will allow a browser to override (at least important) notifications, whereas the fullscreen mode may at least avoid some notifications. But it will depend on the system.

Please keep in mind that an Internet browsers is some kind of reader for the Internet. It is good that it (or any webpage) has not too much control over your computer. Imagine, Google was in the mood to display you some advertising video and would not allow you to skip before all 30 minutes have been watched....

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