0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s176160 (150 points)

For some items, the images are not displayed even though they were inserted under answer options. these are the items from the "kolab" (https://www.soscisurvey.de/kolab/) questionnaire AN02 er2; AN03 er3; AN05 gala2; AN06 gala3; AN08 metall2; AN09 metall3; AN11 wat2; AN12 wat3.

I´m looking forward to hear from you.

by SoSci Survey (331k points)
Please post a pretest URL to a page on which the error occurs.

1 Answer

0 votes
by s176160 (150 points)

sorry, my mistake. in case you take a look at the data here are the items again: AN02 er2; AN03 er 3; AN05 gala2; AN06 gala3; AN08 metall2; AN09 metall3; AN11 wat2; AN12 wat3.

thank you in advance!

by s176160 (150 points)

Between the task description and the justification, the images / tables for selection are not displayed.

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