0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s206073 (120 points)

Hi I am unable to import a questionnaire into my account. It keeps saying error. I need to upload a previous study. I also need to purchase this Module as I am a masters student and writing my thesis I was informed I would get a discounted rate. Please help!

by SoSci Survey (330k points)
Could you please tell the exact wording of the error message, and also please specify which module your question is about? Is it the "implicit methods" module?
by s206073 (120 points)
Hi the error message says in a red box "The server was unable to validate that you actively triggered the action. Please confirm that you are working on the right project and double check the data. If everything is fine please submit again"

And yes, this is the implicit methods module

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

We could reproduce an error that occured when importing whole projects. This was solved by now. Does the import work for you, now?

by s206073 (120 points)
Hi, No it is still not working and is giving me the same red error box "the server was unable to validate that you actively triggered the action. Please confirm that you are working on the right project and double check the data. If everything is fine, please submit, again."
What seems to be the problem? Could do something differently from my end?
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
Is your project running on www.soscisurvey.de or on s2survey.net ?

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