0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s154123 (255 points)

Dear SoSci Survey team,
I have two problems with my survey.
First, after it reaches 87%, it does not proceed anymore. It changes the question but does not change the percentage. I respond to 10-15 more questions, it is still 87%.
Second, Although the setting for all questions is the same, I can see the previous response in some of the questions. It is a slider and I set it up to be always in the middle, but for some of the questions, it is set in the place I assume the previous participant left it.
Here is the link:
Looking forward to hearing from you.

by SoSci Survey (330k points)
Please post the debug information displayed after the question loops (https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/de:create:debugging), and also any PHP code that is on the next page.
by s154123 (255 points)
I deleted the PHP code which was:
$pages = array('B001', 'B002', 'B003', 'B004', 'B005', 'B006', 'B007', 'B008', 'B009', 'B010', 'B011', 'B012', 'B013', 'B014', 'B015', 'B016', 'B017', 'B018','B019', 'B020', 'A001', 'A002', 'A003', 'A004', 'A005', 'A006', 'A007', 'A008','A009','A010','A011','A012','A013','A014','A015','A016','A017','A018','A019','A020', 'A021', 'A022','A023', 'A024','A025','A026','A027','A028','A029','A030','A031','A032','A033','A034','A035','A036','A037','A038','A039','A040', 'A041','A042','A043','A044','A045','A046','A047','A048','A049','A050','A051','A052','A053','A054','A055','A056','A057','A058','A059','A060','A061','A062','A063','A064','A065','A066','A067','A068','A069','A070','A071','A072','A073','A074', 'W001','W002','W003','W004','W005','W006','W007','W008','W009','W010','W011', 'W012','W013','W014','W015','W016','W017','W018','W019','W020');
$pages[] = 'DD00';
Both problems seem to be solved and surprisingly it still shuffle the page as I wanted :)
Thank you for your response.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

surprisingly it still shuffle the page as I wanted

It won't unless you have any other PHP code for shuffling ... or you have two questionnaires in your survey project.

To rotate (shuffle) the pages I recommend this manual: Rotate Pages (and the random generator instead of shuffle()).

by s154123 (255 points)
Thank you very much for your advice.
Now it works perfectly fine :)

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