0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s188865 (120 points)

when I download data in CSV format, even though I adjust the setting, I get a messy unreadable excel file in which column names and the data below are not in seperate cells and column and row dont match. the data from the last 50 questions are also completely missed
I checked downloading the data in excel format as well. in excel format, the data and column names are tidy but still the data from the last 50 questions are missed, it is while I on Filter criteria section, for Interview progress I have chosen ''Interviews that reached the questionnaire's last page (FINISHED).
I have read https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/en:results:download but didnt find my answer.
Pleas let me know how to download a CSV clear and tidy dataset containing all of the answers.

best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (330k points)

the data from the last 50 questions are missed

Are the visible in Collected Data -> View Dataset? Is there data in these cells?

How many variables do you have? Possibly, you just exceed the limits of Excel. You can open the CSV file in Notepad++ and simply check in the raw text if the variables are included in the CSV file. This will allow the distinction, if it's an export or an import problem.

You may give LibreOffice Calc a try. This is more potent than Excel in many ways.

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