0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s048152 (200 points)

We had few participants, who didn't recieve their opt in questionnaire, while everyone else did. And they all filled out their surveys the same way. Do you have any idea what went wrong? Btw. later participants hadn't a problem with the opt-in mails. We are curious, what could have been the reason for the other ones?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

As a lot of invitations are sent via SoSci Survey, some email provider rank www.soscisurvey.de higher, regarding the SPAM classification. So, the emails sent via SoSci Survey may have been filtered.

Should you encounter this issue, either tell the respondents to check the spam folder (and tell their email provider or email programm that this is no spam) or tell SoSci Survey to send the emails through an SMPT server of your own (Use SMTP server). For security reasons, it is usually useful to create a dedicted account/postbox on your SMTP server before using that.

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