0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s189210 (130 points)


We accidentally collected data while our license was expired. When viewing our data, there is the following message for some of our cases under "Mode" - "This record could not (yet) be accounted for by the existing usage licenses. The collected data has been stored, but can only be downloaded after the payment for the license has been confirmed."

We have since purchased a new license (and our payment was received) and are back to collecting data without issue, however, the data for these two cases are still greyed out.

Could you please advise in terms what may be causing this issue?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (304k points)

Most likely the interviews are dates (see STARTED) before the beginning of the new licence's duration. We will shift that duration when necessary, just let us know the new licence start date (and the licence or invoice number) at info@soscisurvey.de, please.

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