Hello, I also followed Nora Kirkizh's tutorial and unfortunately the Survey Design Tool returns a PHP code where several functions are not allowed.
- mt_getrandmax()
- weighted_randomize()
- print
Are there alternatives to these functions, as with (float)?
// Code to randomly generate conjoint profiles to send to a Qualtrics instance
// Terminology clarification:
// Task = Set of choices presented to respondent in a single screen (i.e. pair of candidates)
// Profile = Single list of attributes in a given task (i.e. candidate)
// Attribute = Category characterized by a set of levels (i.e. education level)
// Level = Value that an attribute can take in a particular choice task (i.e. "no formal education")
// Attributes and Levels stored in a 2-dimensional Array
// Function to generate weighted random numbers
function weighted_randomize($prob_array, $at_key)
$prob_list = $prob_array[$at_key];
// Create an array containing cutpoints for randomization
$cumul_prob = array();
$cumulative = 0.0;
for ($i=0; $i<count($prob_list); $i++){
$cumul_prob[$i] = $cumulative;
$cumulative = $cumulative + floatval($prob_list[$i]);
// Generate a uniform random floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0
$unif_rand = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();
// Figure out which integer should be returned
$outInt = 0;
for ($k = 0; $k < count($cumul_prob); $k++){
if ($cumul_prob[$k] <= $unif_rand){
$outInt = $k + 1;
$featurearray = array("Mobilitätshub" => array("Vorhanden","Nicht vorhanden"),"In-Car Payment" => array("Vorhanden","Nicht vorhanden"),"High Power Charger" => array("Vorhanden","Nicht vorhanden"),"Servicestation autonome Fahrzeuge" => array("Vorhanden","Nicht vorhanden"));
$restrictionarray = array(array(array("In-Car Payment","Vorhanden"),array("Mobilitätshub","Vorhanden"),array("High Power Charger","Vorhanden"),array("Servicestation autonome Fahrzeuge","Vorhanden")),array(array("Servicestation autonome Fahrzeuge","Nicht vorhanden"),array("High Power Charger","Nicht vorhanden"),array("In-Car Payment","Nicht vorhanden"),array("Mobilitätshub","Nicht vorhanden")));
$probabilityarray = array("Mobilitätshub" => array(0.5,0.5),"In-Car Payment" => array(0.5,0.5),"High Power Charger" => array(0.5,0.5),"Servicestation autonome Fahrzeuge" => array(0.5,0.5));
// Indicator for whether weighted randomization should be enabled or not
$weighted = 1;
// K = Number of tasks displayed to the respondent
$K = 5;
// N = Number of profiles displayed in each task
$N = 2;
// num_attributes = Number of Attributes in the Array
$num_attributes = count($featurearray);
$attrconstraintarray = array();
// Re-randomize the $featurearray
// Place the $featurearray keys into a new array
$featureArrayKeys = array();
$incr = 0;
foreach($featurearray as $attribute => $levels){
$featureArrayKeys[$incr] = $attribute;
$incr = $incr + 1;
// Backup $featureArrayKeys
$featureArrayKeysBackup = $featureArrayKeys;
// If order randomization constraints exist, drop all of the non-free attributes
if (count($attrconstraintarray) != 0){
foreach ($attrconstraintarray as $constraints){
if (count($constraints) > 1){
for ($p = 1; $p < count($constraints); $p++){
if (in_array($constraints[$p], $featureArrayKeys)){
$remkey = array_search($constraints[$p],$featureArrayKeys);
// Re-set the array key indices
$featureArrayKeys = array_values($featureArrayKeys);
// Re-randomize the $featurearray keys
// Re-insert the non-free attributes constrained by $attrconstraintarray
if (count($attrconstraintarray) != 0){
foreach ($attrconstraintarray as $constraints){
if (count($constraints) > 1){
$insertloc = $constraints[0];
if (in_array($insertloc, $featureArrayKeys)){
$insert_block = array($insertloc);
for ($p = 1; $p < count($constraints); $p++){
if (in_array($constraints[$p], $featureArrayKeysBackup)){
array_push($insert_block, $constraints[$p]);
$begin_index = array_search($insertloc, $featureArrayKeys);
array_splice($featureArrayKeys, $begin_index, 1, $insert_block);
// Re-generate the new $featurearray - label it $featureArrayNew
$featureArrayNew = array();
foreach($featureArrayKeys as $key){
$featureArrayNew[$key] = $featurearray[$key];
// Initialize the array returned to the user
// Naming Convention
// Level Name: F-[task number]-[profile number]-[attribute number]
// Attribute Name: F-[task number]-[attribute number]
// Example: F-1-3-2, Returns the level corresponding to Task 1, Profile 3, Attribute 2
// F-3-3, Returns the attribute name corresponding to Task 3, Attribute 3
$returnarray = array();
// For each task $p
for($p = 1; $p <= $K; $p++){
// For each profile $i
for($i = 1; $i <= $N; $i++){
// Repeat until non-restricted profile generated
$complete = False;
while ($complete == False){
// Create a count for $attributes to be incremented in the next loop
$attr = 0;
// Create a dictionary to hold profile's attributes
$profile_dict = array();
// For each attribute $attribute and level array $levels in task $p
foreach($featureArrayNew as $attribute => $levels){
// Increment attribute count
$attr = $attr + 1;
// Create key for attribute name
$attr_key = "F-" . (string)$p . "-" . (string)$attr;
// Store attribute name in $returnarray
$returnarray[$attr_key] = $attribute;
// Get length of $levels array
$num_levels = count($levels);
// Randomly select one of the level indices
if ($weighted == 1){
$level_index = weighted_randomize($probabilityarray, $attribute) - 1;
$level_index = mt_rand(1,$num_levels) - 1;
// Pull out the selected level
$chosen_level = $levels[$level_index];
// Store selected level in $profileDict
$profile_dict[$attribute] = $chosen_level;
// Create key for level in $returnarray
$level_key = "F-" . (string)$p . "-" . (string)$i . "-" . (string)$attr;
// Store selected level in $returnarray
$returnarray[$level_key] = $chosen_level;
$clear = True;
// Cycle through restrictions to confirm/reject profile
if(count($restrictionarray) != 0){
foreach($restrictionarray as $restriction){
$false = 1;
foreach($restriction as $pair){
if ($profile_dict[$pair[0]] == $pair[1]){
$false = $false*1;
$false = $false*0;
if ($false == 1){
$clear = False;
$complete = $clear;
// Return the array back to Qualtrics
print json_encode($returnarray);