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in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s010398 (380 points)

I am currently doing a series of experiments where I basically use the same stimuli in the projects and just change some tiny things from project to project. However, everytime I import a previous project, many of the pictures/media files are not imported. Thus, I am wasting a lot time by uploading the pictures (and also consent sheets or logos for the layout) over and over again.
As the allowed media storage is not even used fully (maybe not even half) I was wondring if this is a bug and can be changed.

Thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (337k points)

When exporting a survey project, SoSci Survey will limit the amount of media contents. If there are more images or other media files, they will not be included in the XML file.

The reason lies mostly in archiving project. We will check if we can (a) sort images by their filesize and (b) increase the limit when download the XML.

by s010398 (380 points)
thank you. I totally get the storage restriction when it comes to archiving the projects. That makes totally sence. However, as the projects I am trying to copy are still active, an option when exporting this project to inlcude all pictures cold be very helpful.

 My pictures are all below half of the allowed storage. But it is explained that the picture itself is above a set limit for single pictures (I think 250 KB). So maybe another option would be to restrict the overall limitaiton but not the limitation of each picture.

Thank you very much considering any changes that could make it more convinient in the future to copy single projects.
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
A a workaround for the moment: Copy all the images you need for a project in a single folder on your computer. You can then upload them into the new project with a single upload. Just select all the files when selecting the file to upload.
by s010398 (380 points)
thank you for this suggestion. For this, I just recognized that it could be also helpful to have the option to download all picutres and media files of the project by myself from an existing project. However, currently I have to click on each picture seperately to sve tham out of a project. So, maybe not urgent, but an option to select all picutres to delete or save them at once could be also helpful in the future. I often recognized that when I deleted any pictures. Though, this just a suggestion, it is not urgent! ;) Thanks
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
It's been a while ... but downloading (and deleting) multiple images is now possible. At the moment www.soscisurvey.de supports the option, the pro-server is about to follow in a few days.

Changes regarding the overall file size limit when exporting a project are still on my list.
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
Now, the XML download of a project will include up to 64 MB of media files. The update is effective for www.soscisurvey.de, the pro-server s2survey.net will follow in a few days.
by s010398 (380 points)
Hi and a happy new year.
That really great news, thank you very much.

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