0 votes
in Datenauswertung by s131215 (110 points)
edited by s131215

I am trying to build a score for the psychological d2 Test. I have 10 questions with 9 Items each and I need to code a mean score over all answered questions.
There is a time limit for answering the 10 questions, so some participants won't have time to answer all 10 questions. Is there a way to calculate a mean score over the questions that will only consider the questions that have actually been anwered?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

Please see valueMean() and Timer: Go Onto Next Page Automatically.

Is there a way to calculate a mean score over the questions that will only consider the questions that have actually been anwered?

valueMean() does that by default, but you can also work with valueList() and a custom FOR loop.

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