0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s200207 (110 points)

I really struggle to find info about how i can put timer for 20 seconds for every question that one person needs to respond in. I saw some PHP and HTML options, but it doesnt work for me, if someone can please detailed explain how can i do it! Thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

You need PHP (i.e., a server-side part) only if you want to prevent people from restarting the timer by reloading the page. Or if you would like the timer to run over multiple pages.

In every other case, you can use this simple JavaScript (on each page) to virtually hit the "next" button after 20 seconds:

windows.setTimeout(SoSciTools.submitPage, 20000);

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